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Most of these children would like to make friends. They usually have no clue how to go about doing it.

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  Protect the child from bullying and teasing.

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Praise peers when they are compassionate with him.

Educate peers on ASD and their social awkwardness as a real disability.


Actively encourage child to socialize and provide guidance where and when needed (unstructured moments like lunch and recess)

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Verbal skills often come out awkward. Sometimes they appear to have a brilliant understanding

Social skills guidance a must. Their social judgment improves ONLY when they have been taught what their peers learn intuitively.

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At other times, they make up their own way of explaining which can appear odd or even psychotic if you are not remaining aware of their neurological deficits

  • Generally, these kids will need access to a clear understanding of language pragmatics.

  • They often have a very difficult time understanding "Theory of Mind". They usually do not understand how to comprehend other people (what they are thinking, what they mean, body language, non verbal cues, etc.), without clear guidelines.

Teach them what to say, how to say it, how to say it different in different situations,etc

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Try not to ask leading questions. They may get lost in comprehending your line of questioning and/or their literal interpretation.

Visual aids are very helpful and/or have them role-play various situations

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All social skills that are initiated at school, should also be taught at home to incorporate the generalization skills and practice

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Behaviors of any kind are happening for a reason.

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You may have to ask the parent (teacher). Have they experienced the same? How do they resolve it?

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Find out WHY the behavior is happening. (repetitive mannerisms? Sensory issues? Social issues? Bullying?)

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  • If you are working with him in a calm, clear, and firm manner, he will more likely hear you and your guidance... even if it is much later when you have given him time to think it over.

  • If you are stressed by his behaviors, he is even more stressed.

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  • Always keep an open mind to a different perspective. Try different ways of communicating and perceiving the situation.

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Click On An Emotion.


•     Alexithymia - Teach awareness of body language, facial expressions, different emotions, what they look like and what they feel like.

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